The Greater Triangle Area Transportation Plan was developed to guide transportation infrastructure investments based on system needs and anticipated developments over the next 20 years. The Plan included the areas between Four Corners, Belgrade, and Bozeman where recent suburban development has occurred or is anticipated to occur in the future. The comprehensive plan provides a vision for county officials, staff, and residents to work together to develop innovative approaches to plan and implement a transportation system that will serve the community’s citizens well into the future.
Project Description
Gallatin County has experienced significant growth over the past 40 years. The county has consistently outpaced the population growth of other Montana counties. This growth can be attributed to the evolving economies of the county’s largest cities, Bozeman and Belgrade, the continued expansion of Montana State University in Bozeman, and in-migration resulting from the high quality of life that the county offers. As Gallatin County continues to grow, it is important to understand growth trends to properly accommodate and prepare for the county’s current and future transportation needs.
The last regional county transportation plan was completed in 2007 with more recent updates completed for the urban areas of Bozeman and Belgrade. A new, comprehensive look at the transportation system in the growing suburban area was needed to understand system needs and investment opportunities over the next 20 years.
The Greater Triangle Area Transportation Plan (GTATP) provides a comprehensive and integrated strategy for transportation infrastructure and service improvements within the greater triangle area between Bozeman, Belgrade, Four Corners, and Gallatin Gateway. The GTATP focuses on strengthened roadway connections to facilitate safe and efficient travel between these quickly growing communities within the county. The plan addresses regional transportation issues, overall travel convenience, traffic safety, sustainability, funding, and multimodal connections. The GTATP includes recommendations for short-term improvements as well as long-term modifications and capital improvements to major roadways.
The GTATP serves as a guide for development of and investment in the region’s transportation system in a comprehensive manner. The GTATP was developed through a collaborative approach with county, state, and city staff, elected officials, and local residents. The plan provides a blueprint for guiding transportation infrastructure investments based on system needs and associated decision-making principles. The GTATP integrates previously completed planning efforts, includes detailed analysis of existing and projected transportation conditions, incorporates meaningful input from citizens and local officials, and provides a framework for future efforts within the context of state and federal rules, regulations, and funding allocations.
Project Details
Gallatin County
Galatin County, Montana